Crawford -- His way or the highway. |
Name: Crawford | Age: 27 | Origin: America | Psychic Power: Divination |
Crawford is undoubtedly the leader of this group and is shrewd, calculating, as well as an undeniable bastard. He shows no remorse or regret in whatever he does, and he has the uncanny knack for making use of whatever resources he has, even if they are very limited. He is secretly working with the other Schwartz members to overthrow Estet and take matters into his own hands. A villain in every way, he generally does not have many fans, (although he is quite popular when writing Schwartz yaoi fiction!) Though I as a whole adore villains, totally evil villains are not my favorites. If anyone can find some reasons to like this fellow, please feel free to e-mail me. ^^; |
Picture edited and altered by me. |